Recommended DevOps sessions on AzureCon

Do not forget: Azurecon is on the 29th of September. The sessions I want to watch are in one way or another related to DevOps:

  • Azure for developers
    Gain a thorough understanding of the components of Azure and how you can take advantage of them as a developer.
    Speaker: Scott Hanselman

This is a Scott Hanselman's session(!), it is always entertaining and informative, even if you think you already know everything he is talking about he will surprise you with a new twist :-)

Claude joined Microsoft with Incycle's Release Management tool purchase, and now its technology is being integrated into VSO and Azure. A must see if you are a DevOps practitioner.

This is pretty much the complement of what Claude will be talking about, and both delve into the "last mile" of software development. Again, a must see if you are a DevOps practitioner, with the added benefit of watching Donovan Brown who is now a DevOps program manager at Microsoft.


Outside of DevOps I will be watching this one out of sheer pleasure and my interest on AI applications:

  • Applying Azure Machine Learning to software development
    Azure Machine Learning has proven to be effective in a variety of application domains, including speech recognition, object recognition, and image retrieval. In each of these domains, Machine-Learning based programs must adapt to changing conditions, handle large data sets, often with irregularities, and come up with algorithms with little or incomplete knowledge. Sounds similar to software development? Turns out that Machine Learning is being applied to the field of software development, including reverse-engineering legacy code, software fault-detection, and requirements analysis. In this session, you’ll look at various examples of how Machine Learning is being applied to software engineering problems.
    Speaker: Vishwas Lele

I will add some of my notes and comments to this post after the event. Enjoy!

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