The last 6 months

Andrew Delin was asking me the other day what I had been doing since January, so here is a quick summary:

Without going into details, I still kept very active in the MSF and TFS world:

  • Participated of the SEPG 2006 conference with the Microsoft booth (I will come back to that later), with Randy Miller and David Anderson (who coordinated the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Appraiser's workshop)
  • Worked (and I am still working!) with Randy Miller on an 3-day Agile Software Development course
  • Moved to another Microsoft team focused on ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)
  • Worked on site at several customers helping them with adopting/migrating to VSTS, TFS and MSF

There could be no better event to blog about other than the Agile 2006 Conference. I will come back to it over the next few days as I collect my ideas on some of the sessions I attended.

Comparative study on RUP vs MSF

Johan Traa has just published a comparative study on RUP vs MSF for Agile Software Development: "MSF Documentation: RUP vs. MSF - A comparative study". Check the post at the MSF Forum.

It is really worth the reading. He adds new material to help you understand MSF for Agile Software Development, specially a nice graphical representation on page 132.


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