Next Austin Agile at Scale SIG meeting - Scaling Agile Product Delivery with Nexus

This month we have the pleasure of having my friend Dave West (Product Owner at will be flying to Austin to talk to talk about Nexus, directly from source.

Nexus has fast become one of the best ways to scale up your Agile efforts in the enterprise. However, how does it differ from Scrum-of-Scrums, which is the informal indisputable leader in the market? And from SAFe? These are questions I hope to ask Dave later this month. Here is his talk abstract:

Scaling Agile Product Delivery with Nexus – It is Turtles all the way down

Between 70 and 80% of Agile teams use Scrum. Scrum has become the de-facto standard for Agile team delivery. And with the success of Scrum organizations are now looking to employ Agile at Scale. Scaling means different things to different people, but broadly can be described as either growing the number of people delivering software in an agile way (agile product delivery) or growing the use of agile in ancillary parts of software delivery supply chain. In this talk we focus on how Nexus, an exoskeleton for Scrum can help scale your Agile product delivery. We describe the challenges in scaling Scrum and how Nexus extends Scrum to allow for multiple teams to work together in an effective and agile way. This supports teams in an incremental approach to scaling Scrum by building on the success of team level Scrum adoption.

Topics in this talk:
• What does “scaling” mean ?
• The challenges of scaling Scrum
• introducing Nexus
• Nexus in practice
• Connecting Nexuses – Nexus+
• Applying Nexus in your organization

What I like about Dave’s presentations is that he is never boring and always brings something new. Be ready for having fun, starting with the title (“turtles all the way down”) :-)

Please register at so we can get a count for food and refreshments.

See you  there!


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